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Here you'll find downloadable content from Dr. Crawford's travels and missions.
Here is where you might find:
Here is where you might find:
- Teaching Notes
- Conference Notes
- Video links to special teachings
- Video links to conference archives
- Images/Photos
- Schedules
- Mission Information
- & anything else Dr. Crawford might want to share!
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At Legacy School Online, we provide top-quality online ministry leadership training that's focused on the five-fold ministry gifts and prophetic ministry training. Our Apostolic-Prophetic, biblical, Christ-centered, Kingdom leadership training school is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to become a successful leader in your ministry. We offer a comprehensive program that includes prophetic intercession, prophetic worship, prophetic evangelism, and prophetic mentoring. Our online courses enable you to receive advanced training in prophetic leadership, prophetic activation, and apostolic-prophetic ministry tools. Join our online prophetic school today and develop your prophetic anointing and leadership skills to fulfill your God-given purpose. Sign up now to access our online courses in prophetic ministry training and apostolic school of ministry.
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